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CRLS has designed and implemented numerous conflict resolution programs. These programs include an in-depth training of key organization or business personnel and demonstrate the value of using conflict resolution strategies in every day decision making. For additional information, please see our Videos page.


Examples of our Conflict Resolution Training Programs:


  • Employment Mediation Program - A public agency suffered from disproportionate workers compensation claims and other employment related disputes that resulted in costly litigation. A risk management assessment and report was prepared for the governing board, which included a proposal for an employment mediation program. With the participation of the agency's unions, a mediation program was designed that trained approximately forty employees as mediators and facilitators of employment disputes.

  • Collective-Bargaining Trainings – We conducted several interest based trainings involving employees, managers and administrators that helped resolve significant labor and contract issues.

  • Special Education – This program was developed in response to escalating litigation in special education.  The purpose was for early intervention and resolution of special education complaints and the improvement of the relationships between school staff, parents and students. The program helped participants understand the importance of legal compliance and the focus on the educational needs of the student.

  • Employment Conflict Resolution Program, School District – A school district and its unions engaged in acrimonious litigation to resolve even minor labor disputes. The parties also had a history of adversarial negotiations during collective bargaining, and did not have trusting relationships. A conflict resolution program was developed which included training of staff and assessment.

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